CURRENT ISSUE: 2/2024 (eng)

In This Issue:
Igor Kuznetsov, Elizaveta Kulikova, Iuliia Petrova. Mass Culture as an Environment of Political Socialization of Youth
Igor Dobaev. Migration and the Problem of Enclavement of the Territories of the Russian Federation (Based on Materials from the Moslem Republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia)
Sergey Melnik. International Interreligious Summits in Modern Russia


1/2024 (rus)

In This Issue:
Dobaev I.P. Migration and the Problem of Enclavement of the Territories of the Russian Federation (Based on Materials from the Moslem Republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia)
Schensnovich V.N. Moslem educational centers in the Russian Federation
Kudayarov K.A. Activities of Non-Profit Organizations in The Kyrgyz Republic



Candidate of Historical Sciences Tatyana Kotyukova


Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, RAS (INION)
