Security Challenges in Central Asia. Condensed abstract

Schensnovich V.N.


1. Malysheva D.B. Shanhajskaya organizaciya sotrudnichestva i problemy bezopasnosti v Azii // Rossiya i novye gosudarstva Evrazii, 2020. – № 4 (49). – P. 25–36.
2. Azemkulova A.SH. Integraciya – vazhnejshee uslovie obespecheniya bezopasnosti stran Centralnoy Azii i rol politicheskoj elity // Vestnik Diplomaticheskoj akademii MID Kirgizii im. Kazy Dikambaev, 2020. – № 13. – P. 19–24.


Central Asia; Shanghai Forum; SCO; UN; Russia; China; Afghanistan; security; terrorism; extremism; drug trafficking; globalization; regionalization; integration; the political elite of Central Asian countries; CSTO; ASEAN.

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