The Impact of the Special Military Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on the Geopolitical Situation in the Caspian Region. Condensed abstract
The Impact of the Special Military Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on the Geopolitical Situation in the Caspian Region. Condensed abstract
1. Belashchenko D.A., Sikirazh V.V. Ukrainskiy krizis kak
katalizator transformacii postsovetskogo prostranstva / “Actual
problems of international relations and diplomacy”: //
VI International scientific and practical conference, Vitebsk, May 19–
20, 2022 – Vitebsk: VGU imeni P.M. Masherova, 2022. – 345 p.
2. Kondratev V.V. Ukrainskiy krizis i ego vliyanie na
geopoliticheskuyu situaciyu v Kaspiyskom regione // Kaspiy i
global'nye vyzovy. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy
konferencii. Sostaviteli: O.V. Novichenko [i dr.]. Astrahan, 2022.
P. 636–641.
Russia; security; Caspian region; post-Soviet space; geopolitic; Special military Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; national interests; USA.