LESSONS OF HISTORY: RELATIONS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND IRAN (On the Need for a Transition to Multivector and Symmetrical Relations). Abstract

Delavari A.


“Sotrudnichestvo Rossii i Irana v politicheskoy, ekonomicheskoy i kul'turnoy oblastyah kak faktor ukrepleniya mira i bezopasnosti v Evrazii: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii 19 oktyabrya 2016.” Moscow, FSBEI HE MSLU, 2017, Р. 37–43.
Author of the abstract – Elena Dmitrieva


Russia, Iran, multi-vector relations, symmetrical relations, expansionist policy, the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Iran-Iraq war, strategic cooperation.

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