The Problem of Ethnic Kurds in the Middle Eastern Region: The History of Origin and Evolution

Karimov F.E.


This article examines the problem of the Kurds in ensuring regional stability and security in the Middle East, the history of this problem in comparison with the history of the countries of the region in the 14–19 centuries. The analysis of the facts presented in the historical literature about the Kurds is carried out. The attitude of the Middle East countries to these issues, the factor of external power in this matter, the relationship of the problem with other confessional problems in the region are also being studied.


Kurds, Kurdish problem, Tribalism, Ashirat, Regional empires, Shafi, Kurdistan, Mosul, Sykes-Picot Treaty, Lausanne Treaty.

DOI: 10.31249/rimm/2020.03.06

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