Migration Situation in the Regions of the Russian Federation: North, Far East, Bashkortostan. Analytical review

Schensnovich V.N.


The North-West of Russia is a geostrategically significant coastal territory of the Baltic Sea, the White and Barents Seas, which forms the areas and centers of attraction of migrants. The demographic situation of the Far East is influenced by three migration flows:intraregional, interregional and external (with CIS countries and the countries far abroad). As an example of the attractiveness of Russia in the regional context, migration processes in Bashkiria are also examined.


migration attractiveness of Russia; coastal zone of the Northwest; Arctic; Far East; demographic situation; migration motivation; CIS; countries far abroad; migration in Bashkortostan; ethnostatistics; the population census.

DOI: 10.31249/rimm/2022.04.03

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